Skidoo machZ 1000-05..felkod 10-9


Ny medlem
7 dec 2008
Har uppstått vissa elektriska problem för mig helt plötsligt,va ute me en polare å åkte å allt bara fungerade,stannade till en liten stund å skulle sen vidare å när ja startade min skoter så så kom koden 10-9 upp +att motorlampan templampan å laddlampan lyser hela tiden..även varv och hatstighetsmätaren står i botten men skotern går precis lika bra ändå?
När 10-9 koden försvinner så står det scale där istället..ja vet int va de e för fel å har ingen bok till den heller så ja tänkte höra om de e nån som har en aning om va de kan vara!?


Välkänd medlem
1 jan 2000
. .jag har ingen RT, men 10-9 står de varje gång jag startar skotern, de tror jag bestämt de står för alla med en REV. . 10-9 är indikeringen att hastighetsmätaren är inställd på att du har 10T drivhjul på drivaxeln..

med tanke på de jag klistrar in nedan (sökte rätt på de för jag ska byta drivhjul) så kanske du har någe kortis på de berörda kablarna?

Hoppas jag har rätt och att du inte har några större problem!!

"Your speedo will be off about 10MPH too fast with the driver change. You will be putting on excess miles on the odometer too.

Open the panel on the clutch side and look up by the speedo area above the secondary clutch for a black wire with a small black connector. There are two ends. When you plug them together it converts you speedo to KMH instead of MPH.

Now you will need two pieces wire, each about 2ft long. Strip both ends and use them to extend the KMH/MPH wires. Dont connect the two wire ends yet. This little tip helps because you cannot plug and unplug the MPH/KMH connectors fast enough. You will touch the two wires together in the steps below.

From Service bulletin No. 2005-1

-Start Vehicle

-current driver setup will display for a few seconds. You need to hold the mode button during this time to enter SCALE mode. (Then release button) If you dont have E-Start you might need a buddy to help.

-Now tap those wire together really fast until "PAUSE" appears on the speedo lcd display. Took me a while to get it just right.

-Press "mode" button to activate the programming mode.

-In programming mode messages "0-0," "8-9" "9-9" "10-9" appear on the LCD one after another, each displayed for 2 seconds.

-To program the drive sprocket ratio, wait for desired ratio to be displayed, press and hold the "MODE" button at least for 2 seconds then release the button.

-The selected ratio will be stored and displayed flashing.

-Shut sled off and restart.

-The ratio will be displayed for 2 seconds every time the vehicle is started. The numbers 10-9 is the ratio, for 10 tooth drivers. 9-9 are for 9 tooth drivers and 8-9 for 8 tooth drivers.

I'd like to know what kind of top speed you can get with that track and gearing setup. Mine does 94MPH on the GPS and 102 on the speedo. This was on hardpack snow so I'm sure I could get a few more MPH on ice.