Nu vet jag inte exakt hur det ser ut på din maskin men på min GT 700 SE -98 så är vaccum kopplat in till vevhuset.
Ena är till bränslepumpen och den två andra till DPM systemet.
Detta är kopierat ur Shop Manual där de beskriver hur det fungerar.
Ja den här har även Automat choke.
The engine is being started using the electrical or the manual starter.
The DPM module increases pressure within all 3 carburetor bowls thus the air/fuel mixture is enriched. This is what we call the enrichment mode. As soon as the spark plug gives off its first spark, the DPM module calculates the enrichment time and rate based on the engine temperature. Approximately one minute after starting the engine, the module goes from enrichment to standby mode.
Carburetor bowls then receive the atmospheric pressure, and the air/fuel mixture is identical to that of carburetors without the digital performance management (DPM) system. If engine speed is increased to approximately 3000 RPM, the module goes from standby to compensation mode. The air temperature must
exceed -20°C (-4°F) and the air pressure must be lower than 1000 mbar. Float bowls are now under vacuum and the air/fuel mixture is leaner.
NOTE: Both modes can never operate at the same time. The system either makes the mixture richer or leaner. Or, the mixture remains unchanged when module is on standby.
1. Engine temperature sensor, 3-09 housing
2. Enrichment solenoid, 3-11 housing
3. Compensation solenoid, 3-10 housing
4. Power supply (+ and -), signal for MPEM, air temperature sensor,
4-04 housing
5. Enrichment switch, 4-08 housing
6. Communication port (reserved to manufacturer), 4-06 housing
7. Atmospheric pressure nipple
Direct current is supplied to the module which is protected with a 1 A fuse.
BLACK/GREEN and WHITE/GRAY wires (4-06 housing) are used for programming by the manufacturer. Nothing must be plugged to this housing.
When turning the ignition key to the ON position, the module is energized and goes on standby. The module uses no electricity when on standby.
Once the engine begins to turn (using either the electrical or rewind starter), the module receives pulses through the MPEM (multi-purpose electronic module) ignition system GRAY/GREEN wire.
The DPM module then comes on by reading the engine temperature through the sensor located on the cylinder head. The DPM module calculates the enrichment solenoid opening time and the enrichment rate according to the temperature.
The air/fuel mixture is then enriched in order to facilitate starting. The system pressurizes all 3 carburetor bowls in order to enrich the air/fuel mixture. This is accomplished with the help of an air pump.
Following the enrichment mode, carburetors are operating normally, i.e. without additional pressure within bowls. NOTE: Calibration is exactly the same on engines with a DPM Module and those without.
1. Air jet
2. Needle jet air inlet
Three conditions must be met for the compensation mode to operate:
1. The engine must operate at over 3000 RPM. Signal received by the GRAY/GREEN wire.
2. The air temperature must exceed -20°C (-4°F).
3. The atmospheric pressure must be lower than 1000 mbar.
The system brings all 3 carburetor bowls under vacuum in order to make the air/fuel mixture leaner. The required vacuum is produced within the needle jet air inlet.
The compensation ratio will depend on the air temperature and the atmospheric pressure.
The higher the air temperature, the leaner the air/fuel mixture.
The lower the atmospheric pressure, the leaner the air/fuel mixture.
NOTE: The atmospheric pressure decreases as the altitude increases.